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Høstscena (The Autumn Stage) is hosted by Ålesund Theatre Festival and is organised as a foundation with a board and a festival management. It is the countys only theaterfestival. The festival aims to provide high quality art and culture - experiences with emphasis on the performing arts, that offer something for every taste.

The festival aims to be an important player in strengthening contemporary performing arts and show the developments happening in this field of art, both locally, nationally and internationally. 

Round about 100 actors, poets and other guests contribute to the program. The great efforts of all the volunteers are essential to creating a successful festival.

Ålesund Theatre Festival collaborates with Poesientusiastane (The Poetry Enthusiasts) on the poetry program. The festival has represented a poetry program since 2005. Poesientusiastane is an association that works to promote poetry in various contexts. They have a goal to make poetry as accessible as possible to the public. They also arrange for writingcourses for children and adolescents.

Ålesund Theatre Festival is also one of the organisers behind Ålesund Byspill. The re-enactment was first shown in 2011, shown in excerpt in 2012, re-made in 2013 and is scheduled to take place every 2 years.


Teater og Scenekunst
Children and young people.