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Festivalscenarier - bilde fra rapporten

Festivalscenarier - fremtidens festivaler

Festival Scenarios - the future of festivals.


Norway Festivals gave in November 2009 Andreas Hompland and Olaf Aagedal the commission to create a festival scenarios report, and for it to be presented at Norway Festivals` annual conference in Kongberg, 8th ofApril 2010.

The report was completed in close collaboration with the board of Norwegian festivals. The project did not intend to be a research project with footnotes and references. Instead, the report is a knowledge-based popularisation based on assembling, connecting and condensing available knowledge, sewn together with academic concepts and attempts at creative angles. Fact and fiction are mixed together into a narrative "faction". The objective was to contribute relevant input to reflection and use in strategic processes.

In the report we can read about what appeared to be "future scenarios" a few years ago, for the development and operation of various types of festivals. It is meant to address the breadth within festival events in Norway, and the authors have therefore also presented, discussed and incorporated festivals in their report which are not members of Norway festivals.

As the authors write: "festival scenarios are the future image and pieces of stories about the road travelled to get there. In this way the scenarios are also elements of the future in the present, and the nearest years to come. They are a disguised present.  

A scenario is not the same as ein prognosis. For it alleges not what will or should happen. Scenarios does therefor never act alone. Several scenarios together unfold a vision of a possible future."

You can download the report in the link below.